Modernizr 3.2.0
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives, so is the release of Modernizr 3.2.0.
- @TRowbotham fixed the unprefixed gradient detect to cover newer gradient syntaxes - #1621
- @ryanhughes fixed a long standing issue with the css hyphens detect - #1514
- @fonziemedia fixed the audio preload detect to be a functional check rather than simply a property check - #1702
- @JoshuaWise fixed a (rather than) edge case in the transform3d detect - #1704
- @jorrit fixed a typo - #1708
- @roblarsen added a hasOwnProperty check to the Modernizr class name creation process to avoid extraneous classes - #1709
- @aFarkas fixed the
detect (used in responsive images) for Safari 9 - #1728
- @hypotenuse added a detect for XDomainRequest - #1566
- @roblarsen added a basic detect for the new Crypto APIs - #1661
- @ChristianUlbrich created a detect for the Base64 API - #1696
- @patrickkettner created a detect for the BDI element - #1719
- @deformhead added a config to force LF line endings - #1711
- @roblarsen added a basic detect for the new Crypto APIs - #1661
- @paulirish updated the docs to the hiddenscroll detect - #1715
Updated Dependencies
- updating yargs to v3.26.0 to v3.28.0
- updating joi to v6.9.0 to v6.9.1
- updating load-grunt-tasks to v0.2.1 to v3.3.0
- updating grunt-contrib-copy to v0.8.1 to v0.8.2
- updating grunt-contrib-clean to v0.4.1 to v0.6.0
- updating marked to v0.2.10 to v3.5.0, which actually fixes several code vulnerabilities